Why is the Vatican a Separate Country?

As you pass through the doors of the Vatican Museums, you might not realise it, but you are entering the world’s smallest country. So how did the Vatican become a tiny country within a country? That the Vatican City is actually a country within the country of Italy is often a bewildering concept for many … More Why is the Vatican a Separate Country?

What Makes the Sistine Chapel So Famous?

The Sistine Chapel is one of the Vatican’s proudest features. Set in the confines of the Vatican City’s ancient backdrop, the chapel is famous for its extensive collection of Renaissance art that has been painted by some of the world’s most famous artists. Every year, over five million people flock to the chapel to witness its jaw-dropping artistic displays and … More What Makes the Sistine Chapel So Famous?

Why You Should Explore St Peter’s Square?

St Peter’s Square sits in the heart of the Vatican and is probably one of the most recognisable parts of this small, sovereign state. The square itself is incredibly impressive, boasting a collection of ancient architecture and history that dates back thousands of years. Here, you can pretty much do everything the Vatican has to offer, from witnessing … More Why You Should Explore St Peter’s Square?